blog radio

Friday, June 29, 2007

Final Thoughts

My final entire on The E.T.C. (Extreme Technology Camp) is that it was a great exprerience for me. I learned a lot in this program and I had a great time here. So, I liked being here.

Blog Talk Radio

On one day, we got to host our own blog radio. It was fun, but we could only do one show and no one was on my show. It was fustrating, but very fun to do.

My career

The career I want to have in the future is video game designing. I love video games so much, that's why I want to become a video game designer, so that I can create my own games.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

What I Have Learned Yesterday

What I have learned yesterday and the day before was video game designing. We talk about how to make a video game, the steps on how to do it, modifying and changing the sound, and how to put our own graphics. It was AWSOME!!!

Friday, June 22, 2007

What I learned today

What I learned today is how to make your own Talk Show. It was fun and exciting, but when you have ICall, Skype, and you're doing you're talk show, it can create problems with the internet. It was still fun though.

Thursday, June 21, 2007

What I leanred this week

What I have learned all this week is how to make and edit a video. It was fun, but it takes a lot of hard work and effort. I spent most of the day trying to time it right. It was hard, but it was fun anyway.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Touring Reel FX

The tour at Reel FX was awsome. We got to see a little bit of what it takes to do animation. We got to learn how they do commercials and animation and we got to see a seek peek on one of their upcoming project.